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Showing posts from December, 2017


Here Is My Igbo-Base 8 Infinity Gift For You All - Igbo Is The Ar-CHI-tect Owner Of Base-8 Science - And The Initiatives Of Serpent Science = 8. Hathor Is The Oldest Goddess That All The Other Goddesses Came From. Such As, Auset, Isis, MA'AT, And Sekhmet. Igbo Base-8 Sound Flux System: Hathor = Ato = 3 Ausar = Asaa = 7  Auset = Asaa-Ato = Asato = Auset8 01234567 - 0 = 8 = Infinity. In Igbo Sound Flux Systems, A-E-I Are Interchangeable: 7 = A.saa. E.saa. I.saa. 3 = Hathor = Ato Is The Embodiment Of Ani = The Igbo Mthr Earth Goddess. iSiSi = Head Of All Heads. The Most Adored In Igboland. The One True GXD = Infinity - 8. Trinity of Number Forces (Chi) that is 3-7 = 3 to the power of 7 = 2187 = 2+1+8+7= 1 + 8 = 9 =  full b-E-rth cycle from which a new life is formed - 7 to the power of 3 = 343=10=X Ausar7 + Hathor3 = 10X = Heru = Iru - Eri - Iri = X - New Life. That Is The Original Trinity Of Life ♀. Igbo Ankh-cestors = KWA-ci...


Once Upon A Time, There Was An Igbo Boy By The Name, "James Agbarakata". He Was Born In America. He Doesn't Really Know Anything About Igbo. All He Knows Is That His Father Was Igbo. And He Also Doesn't Know The Meaning Of His Last Name. In School, He Never Got An F. He Was A Straight A Student. He Never Failed. Brilliant Kid. Until One Day, There Was A Huge Competition Going On In The School. One Q&A Competition That Will Win His School, $200,000. And He Gets To Go Home With $100,000. As The Most Brilliant Student, J. Agbarakata Was Picked To Answer Any Question. The Question Was, "What Causes Thunder And Lightning? James Agbarakata Was Shocked. As Everyone Was Waiting For The Answer. J. Agbarakata said, "I'm So Sorry. I Don't Know The Answer To This Question". He Walked Away Feeling Very Embarrassed. He Got Home. His Dad Was Sitting, Watching  News On Television.. He said, "Daddy, Good Afternoon". And Was About To Go Upsta...


1. TIME Is Not Absolute. Time Was Invented. A Large Variety of Devices Have been Invented to Measure Time. The Study of these Devices is called Horology. An Egyptian Device that Dates to c.1500 BC. BC and Ad Datings Are Roman Inventions. 2. Nothing Waits For You. Not Even Yourself. Not Even Outer And Innerself. Nothing In The Universe Waits On You. There's No Finishing. You'll Recycle Back Here And Continue The Never Ending. 3. Now Is An Illusion. There's No "Now". You Are Either Past Or Present. 4. The Sky Is Infinite. As The Earth Is Bottomless. 5. Absolute = Completion = Conclusion = Religion = Illusion = Hallucination.  The Absolute Truth Is That There's No Completion. People Who Believe In Absolute Are Easily Manipulated. 6. The World Stopped Knowing Peace, The Day Man Concluded On Something. Conclusion Is Hallucination. 7. Life is Simply a Creative Process. We are here to Simply Create and what we choose to create is our Purpose. Our Consciou...


Igbo Is The One World Language That Was Lost In "The Lost Book Of Enki". First, There's Nothing Sacred About HeruSalem, That Is Jerusalem. There's Nothing Sacred About The Middle-East. This All Can Be Simply Defined In A Modern Word Called, "Commercialisation". Actually, The Word Is Very Ancient. Just Like "Marketing. For Example: Do You Guys Think That There's Anything "Exclusive" In This World? The Word Was Most Likely Invented By Shakespeare. Shakespeare Is The Architect Of English. He Created Words Like, "Exposure And Eyeball." The Word "Exclusive" Is Just Like The Word "Sacred or Holy". Just Because Somebody Told You That Something Is Exclusive, It Doesn't Mean That It Means Anything. Meanings Are Illusions. IS - RA - EL IS - S = ISIS - Greek Sound Code Of The Iconic Goddess "AUSET". Derived From An Iconic Igbo Word, "ISISI" = Head Of All Heads = ISI - The First - The Embod...


My favorite Author in el-biB is a Blackman named "King Solomon. The King Of Heru-Salem. Eye simplified his name in my Mthr sound flux system as, "SoloMuo," which literally translates to "Follow the INNERself." My Favorite Book in Bib-El Is "The Book of Ecclesiastes." It Was Written By SoloMuo, in His Old Age. This Book Proved To Eye That He Was A Man Of The E. Eternal. The Key Philosophy Of This Book Is, "Every Is Meaningless And Pointless." Eye Read The Whole Book, 5 Years Ago. And My Favorite Chapter Is Ecclesiastes 1:4. "Generations come and generations go, but the EARTH(Ani) remains forever." This Is An E Man Quote. But Ndi Nkiti Will Not INNERstand.


There were no slaves in ancient Khemet / Nubia. As in, people being bought, sold and flogged, it didn't Exist. It's a myth. If there were slaves, it came into existence after it was invaded by the Arabs, Romans or Greek. And this must have happened after the civilization were built by our African ancestors. Remember, this land wasn't called Egypt by our ancestors. We called it, "Khemet / Nubia." That is the ORIGINAL names. According To Wiki: "Slavery in Ancient Egypt was established in the NEW Kingdom (1550-1175 BCE), with slave, servants, and peasants making up 80% of the population." Not That This Information From Wiki Is Authentic, But Still It Didn't Have Anything To Do With Black Egypt Known As "Old Kingdom." The people of ancient Khemet are well known for recording history. Khemet (Egypt) is mentioned in the Bible almost seven hundred times, and the people of ancient Khemet never made a mention of any story in this book. You hav...


The ma'athematical origin of TRINITY was Mother, Father and Child. (The Greco-Roman religious cults who hated women removed the mother and replaced her with a ghost). Ndi Ushi/Eshi/Nshi were Scientifically explaining the Ma'athematical origin of human creation and everything else... way before the invention of any alphabets, Our ancestors  were explaining things through ART. Our ancestors knew how the human biological system functions and how they were all made. Ma'athematika originated in Afraka, not English. Thus our aboriginal language is ma'athematics. Like I have told you guys various times, Igbo is a math language. I found the Igbo origins of the Base-8 octal, which is the oldest mathematics in the world. In Kemet, Ausar is associated with 7, Auset is associated with 3, and Heru is associated with 10. 3 is the origin of all trinity, while 7 is the origin of all time calculation. As Auset took care of Ausar's body for 70 days, which is 07, after he was killed. ...


What is the difference between an Igbo girl and an Hausa/Fulani girl? The answer is Nothing. They are both beautiful AfriCAn girls, with inherant values. Very rare. Now, let's kick out colonial constructs out of AfriKA, and MAKE AFRIKA GREAT AGAIN!


Eye Just Wanted To Set A Few Records Straight For The 1900 Colonial Nigerians Who Come On My Sacred Threads To Share Their 1900 Ignorant Intelligence. This Is A 9th Century AD Linguistic Event Map. Roman Recording Of Linguistics. It Isn't Based On Who Was Where And When. If You Look Closely, You Can See Kwa, and You Can See Igbo On The Far Right, Along With Yoruba In The Middle. From The First 100 BCE, Kwa has Always Been Recorded In West AFRICA, Before Any Other Sound Flux System. At the very first 100 B.C. The Whole Of West Africa Was Recorded As Kwa. Igbo Speaks Major Kwa. As In, It Is Almost Impossible To Speak Igbo Without Kwa. Languages Are Dialects Naturally Transformed Overtime To A New Language. As Igbo As Nsukka People Are, You Can Barely Understand Their Igbo Dialect. This Is How Dialects Change To New Language And New Meanings. For Example: The British English Dialects Are Different From American English Dialects. And The Words Also Holds Different Meanings. Infact,...


Why do the black American ibo=hebrew freaks always claiming that King James was black? Look, brthrs and sistrs, I'm going to correct this mess in the nicest way possible. If you don't get it, that is your own cup of tea.  Or perhaps because you suck at math. And the only reason why you suck at math is because you are running from your true self. That is being African. As an Afrikan, naturally you should know ma'atumatika because AFARAKA isn't letters. Africa is numbers = calculations. kalkulos. - before English was invented and before the English version of the Bible was translated, it was in latin. And this book in latin wasn't made public. People used to get their heads chopped off for translating this book into another language. -in the 1600s, Shakespeare invented 1700 English words. In 1611, King James a pure white bisexual male published the English version of the Bible. -in 1619 slavery kicked off. This was when black people were forced to speak the Engl...

The Name Cheikh Anta Diop

Cheikh Anta Diop spent half of his life providing evidence of the true identity of the people in ancient Kemet. Each time Egypt was invaded, the invaders always corrupt the true identity of the original people. If it was possible, they would've yanked Egypt out of the continent of Africa, and put it somewhere in Europe or Middle-East. When they found out about the beauty and the genius works in Kemet, they literally started convincing people that Egypt was located in Europe. And this was before the masses knew what the map of the world looks like. In 2017, some people still don't know where Egypt is located. The same books that thought us that women shouldn't speak in church, also thought us that God hated Egypt. The same books that was used to enslave black people, with a fraudulent story about Noah's 3 sons. Claiming that Noah cursed Ham and that Ham is the father of black people. No evidence. These are all the pedagogy used to classically condition us. The psyc...


If you go to India, you will see that their God looks Indian. If you go to any Asian country, you will see that their God looks like them. If you go to Europe, you will see that their God looks like them. But if you go to a Blackman's land, AFRICA, you will see a picture of this guy, hanging in stores, in people's houses, and in churches. Being into art, I was recently at a gallery show. I came across this painting that looks incredibly familiar. Where have I seen this painting before? Oh yes, in Africa. Turns out, the name of this guy is CESARE BORGIA. (You can google him). An Italian condottiero, nobleman, politician, and cardinal. For decades, this guy has been sold to millions of Africans as Jesus of Nazareth. And people buy this painting and hang in their houses, stores and churches in Africa. Look, I really don't care what skin color Jesus is, but I know for sure that he isn't European or American. Since his history was based in the Middle-East. And Middle-E...


JRRT published The Lord of the Rings in October 20, 1955. GRRM published the first book that made up what we now call "A Game of Thrones" in August 1, 1996. This books are all science fiction & fantasy work. They both told us great artistic stories about an ancient period. If the authors of this two great books wrote them back in the ancient time, some people would call it "non-fiction." In 2017, there are people who strongly believe that this two books were based on real events. Even though that the authors wrote that they were not non-fiction books, but a science fiction & fantasy work. A non-fiction is based on facts, real events, and real people. A fiction is based on imaginary events and people. Since there are people who believe that this books were based on real events, (even though the writers wrote in the books that they are not real events) how would any sane human being believe that any iconic ancient book, being read by the world is NON-FIC...


African countries Independence day are all a joke. Because you are all still thinking like the Colonists managing your intelligence. In my next life, I would like to be Igbo, African again. I wouldn't like to be Nigerian. The word "Nigeria" was coined by the colonists who scrambled Africa. This might offend some Nigerians. Just like critizing foreign religions in Africa offends Africans. Both were handed to Africans by making us feel inferior about who we are. Great men like Thomas Sankara and Patrice Lumumba once tried to elevate the minds of the Africans, but they were both killed by the Africans. Fela Kuti made songs to elevate the Africans, the Africans killed his mom and nearly beat him to death. Malcolm X tried to elevate the minds of the Blackman, but he was shot by a Blackman. It's amazing. Sometimes, I feel ashamed to be black. I've always wondered why Michael Jackson changed his skin color. Maybe he wasn't stupid for doing that. Maybe something...

Blackman Know Yourself By Femi Kuti

Only If The So Called Modern AfroBeat Had Lyrics Like The Ones In Femi Kuti - Blackman Know Yourself. The People Wouldn't Be So Psychologically Sedated. It's Time For Africa To Wake Up. I Created This Meme For You All.


The sexualization of women is a western invention.  When you look at the Swazi and Zulu girls dance, do you think it is for sex and sexy? No. It is for elegance, beauty, art, culture and ancient traditional practices that our Afrikan ancestors created. But the western man gets off on anything. He sexualized the body parts of his women. The same man who gave us religion. Holographic bullshit. Corrupted our minds. He points out each parts of women's body to sexualize. When you look at aboriginal people that are naked, like the Jarawa tribe, do you think they are foolish? Due to the sexualization of women's body parts: breasts and butts in the US are big business,  The western man invented the idea that sex sells. Women’s breasts are everywhere on television, at the movies, in magazines, and on billboards. The harmful nature of porn is likely another reason why women’s breasts have become sexualized. The same western man invented pornography. Breasts are not sexualized in A...

African Methodology Into

Unchaining AFRICAN Methodology and Philosophy: Whenever you see a statue of a lion or a lioness in the western world, let it remind you of what was stolen from ancient Africa. The lion is a very important symbol in African philosophies. You see, modern Afrikan political systems abandoned African philosophies, and this is why the motherland is full of criminals and traitors. WHAT DOES THE LION MEAN IN AFRIKA? The lion represents the soul and the spirit of our African ancestors. The lion is an emblem for REAL royalty, strength, family, conquest, valor, pride, WISDOM, authority, patience, future, courage and protection. ... A large symbol of good luck, especially when its truck is pointed up. The lion represents our culture. The lion represents communities. The lion is a last name in Afrika. The lion is in Igbo traditional fashion. The lion represents one of the most ancient symbolism of Afrikan spirituality. The lion is the king of the world and the lioness is the queen of the wo...


Africa Was A Name Of A Roman Emperor Named Africanus = False. He Branded Himself Africa. And English Is A Lie-Coded Language That Agitates And Harm The XX And The XY Chromosomes. Our Ancestors Didn't Write With English Letters. They Wrote In Logographic Symbolisms. Igbo-Ogham-Stones, Nsibidi/Nsibri, Which Was Written By NSHI/ESHI/USHI Igbo. The Dwarfs (NWANSHI) That Are The Ancestors. The Oldest Form Of Nsibiri Was Founded In AKWANSHI Stones. That Is AKWA-NSHI-BIRI. Writen By NWANSHI. Nsibiri Birthed Mdw Neter. All Logographic Writing Systems Of The First People. The World Map Is Upsidedown, So Is Everything We Know About This World. If You Are Looking At The World From Out Of Space, North Is South And South Is North. That Was The Way Our Ancestors Kept It In Khemet. UMU ORA / UMU NNE M, The Term AFRICA Was Formed From BIAFRA. BIAFRA Means "The Home Of AFRA." That Is OBI Or BHE AFRA. The Word AFRA Unconceals As ->AFARA. We Have AFARA-UKWU In Igboland. UKWU Is Just Anot...