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African countries Independence day are all a joke. Because you are all still thinking like the Colonists managing your intelligence.

In my next life, I would like to be Igbo, African again. I wouldn't like to be Nigerian. The word "Nigeria" was coined by the colonists who scrambled Africa. This might offend some Nigerians. Just like critizing foreign religions in Africa offends Africans. Both were handed to Africans by making us feel inferior about who we are.

Great men like Thomas Sankara and Patrice Lumumba once tried to elevate the minds of the Africans, but they were both killed by the Africans. Fela Kuti made songs to elevate the Africans, the Africans killed his mom and nearly beat him to death. Malcolm X tried to elevate the minds of the Blackman, but he was shot by a Blackman.

It's amazing. Sometimes, I feel ashamed to be black. I've always wondered why Michael Jackson changed his skin color. Maybe he wasn't stupid for doing that. Maybe something struck him. Perhaps he was very disturbed by the ignorance of the Blackman, that he chose not to be one anymore.

In other for Africa to be free to explore, you have to start looking at the sources cause of all AUTOCHTHON problems by the Imperialists...Africans only want to concentrate on the frame works of events formulated by the British/France...and not the original apparatus of War, Genocide & Thievery caused by the Imperialists to FUND the ancestral debts of their European monarchs for the spoil of their bankers... Africans bicker, fight and kill each other over ideas they didn't invent, with weapons they didn't invent.. All of you are not are nothing more than a colon-APPENDAGE of some colonists pissing you all into a hurricane. If you go to Europe, you will find Monarchs everywhere, and they hold great power in the world, but during colonialism, they banished and killed most Africa Monarchs.

The 500 + NATIONS that have their own language, land & culture had no problems until the arrival of the English and French in 1661. in the stolen confederation that the Colonic-British call Nigeria. The House of Stewart  looted West AfRAKA  founding the Royal African COMPANY in 1660. The HAUSA'S were already screwed by Arabs with their ARA:BI(MAD-TRADE). The northerners were already dumbed down at this time.


Now these Imperialists were only interested in: Gold, Silver, Ivory and wars against our ancestors to finance their own wars and exploits in Europe and else where! The Prisoner's of Wars is what people call SLAVES!  The reason the Colonists came to Africa was because they were phucking BROKE...STEALING & KILLING by the CHARTER of the CATA into Africa of 1660. THE CHARTER SETS OUT TO PLUNDER...

Well, in 1667 CATA fell into huge debts fighting a war with the Dutch (Now the DUTCH are very important here...because in 1930, the Colonists settled their differences and owned their Africa through a company called UNITED AFRICAN COMPANY. This company was bought and owned by UNILEVER, relinquished in 1987!!! Yes, that huge company called UNILEVER has its corporate headquarters in the City of London to this day opposite BLACKFRIARS station.


In 1884-What was happening in Europe? The BERLIN CONFERENCE
Berlin_Conference : This conference was also  known as: the West African Conference where 9-European Imperialists got together to PLUNDER and OWN Africa...our forefathers and mothers were never INVITED and were murdered into corruption and handed religion.

Then in 1886: The Royal Niger Company was formed to OWN Africa & Africans never complain about the evil of colonialism. Instead, they bicker, fight and kill each other over things we didnt invent.

The meeting to own you as NIGERIANS was called by a GERM-MAN Otto Von Bismarck...REMEMBER HIM?

MISSION STATEMENT: The conference ushered in a period of heightened colonial activity by European powers, which eliminated or overrode most existing forms of African civilizations autonomy and self-governance.

This GERMAN was UNIFYING his GERMANIC tribes while destabilising Africa through divide and rule the SCRAMBLE for NIGERIA and WEST-AFRICA was on...BISMARK needed a scramble for Africa to maintain GERMAN-UNIFICATION...Bankers needed to be PAID...for 1870-71!



It was, however, evidently impossible for a chartered company to hold its own against the state-supported protectorates of France and Germany, and in consequence its charter was revoked in 1899 and, on 1 January 1900, the Royal Niger Company transferred its territories to the British Government for the sum of £865,000. The ceded territory together with the small Niger Coast Protectorate, already under imperial control, was formed into the two protectorates of northern and southern Nigeria.

The company changed its name to The Niger Company Ltd and in 1929 became part of the United Africa Company. The United Africa Company came under the control of Unilever in the 1930s and continued to exist as a subsidiary of Unilever until 1987, when it was absorbed into the parent company".

Look that shit... Nigeria cheapness was bought for £865,000 in 1900....But Wait JP Morgan was worth a mere $68 million in 1900, JD Rockefellar $1billion.  Nigeria went for a mere £865,000.00!!!


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