🌀 ❌ ANA, NNE MU OMA Eternal Earth, My Divine Mother. KORO MAYA SU. KOMOSU, EGEDE KOMOSU, EGEDE IKUKU. ELE YANA NWAYA WA OFU OGODO The Infinite Force Wearing The Same Body With Her Sun. MMUO IZIZI KACHA MMA. NWANYI UGA AKA.The First Puriest Spirit. The Woman Of The First Primordial Age. IKUKU MBU. AKA ETE. The First Air. The First Cosmic Vibration. KORO MAYA SU. KOMOSU, EGEDE KOMOSU, EGEDE IKUKU. NNE UWA! The One Who Gave Birth To Her Child UWA (Duality) Through CHAOS. NNE EBERE - Mother Of Mercy. You Transformed To The Eternal Earth That We Know Today. EGEDE NWANYI OKPU. OKPU NA ONWEYA. The Wombman Who Molds. The Molder Herself. Pure Natural Creator - EKENACHI. NNE NWANYI CHUKWU KPURU UZU IZIZI. The Primordial Mother Of The Universe Of Light Who Smelted The First Iron, And Made Algriculture More Easier For Her Children. ONYE NKUZI IZIZI The First Teacher. You Thought Your Children How To Plant. You Gave Us The Good Seeds To Plant, So That We May Reap Good Foo...
Afrikan Intelligence Blog By Ugo Nwamama